“We have to process our breeding and foundation seed lots faster and with higher accuracy then ever before. Because of the investments we have made in the integrated seed processing solutions of Seed Processing Holland our sugar beet, oil rape seed, corn, and maize seed divisions now supply the best seed quality in time for our supply chain.”

Seed Belt Thresher
Belt Threshers are very suitable for threshing crops that are sensitive for seed damage like for example sunflower, soy beans or other pulses.

Seed Rotary Thresher
Rotary Threshers are extremely suitable for threshing almost any crop like for example oil rape seeds, soybeans, sugar beet until wheat seeds

Seed Pin Thresher
Pin Threshers are highly suitable for threshing Cruciferae families, like oil rape, mustard or other brassica seeds.

Seed Pre-cleaners
Pre-cleaning of seeds is very efficient to remove plant material like ( e.g. chaffs, debris, stick, dust and soil) after a threshing process.